The welcome page. Here you can find out about the church's mission, history, and associations.
Find out what is happening with the church and website.
News & Events
Here you can listen to recordings of our Sunday morning sermons.
Discover some of the many things that Lena Vista Baptist Church is involved in.
Information on our regular meeting times.
Service Times
Pictures from church events.
A list of Social Service Resources.
Learn about the church's food ministry, where we literally give away tons of food each week.
Food Ministry
A calendar of upcoming events.
If you have any prayer requests that you would like to make, you can do that here.
Prayer Requests
Here you will find information about our Sunday School offerings
Sunday School


Each Sunday we have classes from Nursery through children, Young Adults to Senior Adults for both men, women, and couples. We have a new Children's building that is gaining favor with teachers and students. Your family will fit in to one of our classes or come help us start a new class that meets your family's needs.


Starting with a class for 18-30 year olds on to about - we will let those folks tell you how old they are (!), we have classes for all ages. Some are for couples and some comprised of men and others of women. Outings planned by class enhance our fellowship and growth. A very strong prayer chain exists in one class and immediate prayers are constantly offered for those with health, physical, spiritual, or personal needs


Loaves and Fishes is one of the largest food ministries in the area. Through this ministry, we share God's love, hope, Word, and pray for all who come to share their concerns and needs. Each week LVBC gives out literal tons of food to people who are in need of a helping hand. Through concern, love of others, volunteers obtain food, put together food boxes and share with others. The program runs Tuesdays at 8:00am.


Children gather to sing, learn, and praise the Lord. Our Wednesday program not only is a fun place to learn God's Word, it includes a time to learn what sharing with others is all about. Several programs are geared to providing visits to nursing homes, preparing and delivering Christmas tins and Easter Baskets to other children less fortunate to name a few.


Special events occur throughout the year that people become involved in helping others, i.e., Block Party, Car Shows, Vacation Bible School, Back to School, Children's Home, Easter programs, Christmas ministry, special collections for homeless, shut-ins, etc. In addition, being Baptists, we love to get together to eat. Also, Wednesdays we have Dinner In The Hall at 5:00pm, before the Wednesday night worship service. Meals are served between 5 and no later than 5:30pm